Monday, January 10, 2011

Whole Foods

I enjoy food a lot - a whole lot. Not always such a good thing. But I love to cook and I love feeding the people I care about. Going to new restaurants and challenging myself to try new things - it's a passion. I'm addicted to The Food Network and have a list a mile long of culinary things I want to expore - curing my own bacon, learn to sous vide, make duck confit, etc.

With all of that having been said, it's not a passion that Jeremy shares with me. He'll eat anything I make for him, but he'll very rarely get excited about it. When Whole Foods opened it's first location here in St. Louis I was really excited and couldn't wait to go check it out. Jeremy couldn't have cared less. Thank goodness my best friend, Mary Beth, is as dorky a foodie as I am so she went with me (we even took off work and went to see the Top Chef road tour in their parking lot).

So now that Jeremy takes more interest in the food he eats, he has fallen in love with hummus. He'd had it before, but wasn't aware of how healthy is was. Now it's his favorite replacement for bean dip - or really just dip in general. He goes through so much of it so quickly, he decided he wanted to learn how to make it himself. Unfortunately, our local grocery store doesn't carry tahini (one of the main ingredients of hummus). So I suggested we head to Whole Foods and spend a little time going through the whole store.

There are a ton of healthy options at Whole Foods and I knew if he spent a little time there, he'd find a lot of new things to try. And I was right (duh).

It's for a completely different reason now, but Jeremy now has a passion about food and it's something we can share. The challenge to make something healthy and delicious at the same time isn't always easy - but we're working on it together.

I love that it took him longer to get through the store than it took me. I love that he reads the nutritional content of everything he looks at. But even more than that I love how open-minded he is about trying new things now!

See what's in the middle of our cart? It's a TOFURKY PIZZA! Seriously. It is. If I'd tried to get him to try a tofurky pizza before his surgery he may very well have left me. He would definately have laughed or scoffed or called my intelligence into question. And this was all on his own - he picked up a ton of new things to try and picked them all by himself (while I spent some serious time drooling all over the cheese counter).

So we have a LOT of new items to try and I'll let you know about each and every one of them. We plan to go back about once a month and pick up another batch of new things to try. Honestly, in a truly selfish manner, I'm incredibly excited about this. I'm excited about going to Whole Foods together, I'm excited about trying new things and I'm excited that he cares now.

1 comment:

  1. I love the produce section too. It's like an adventure going through the whole store.
